Is Your Legacy IT System Costing You More Than You Think?

Legacy IT systems are the backbone of many organizations. Businesses are struggling with a critical dilemma as technology advances at a breakneck pace: what is the actual cost of old IT systems? Some systems may have been state-of-the-art when initially deployed, but they may now be causing significant problems and additional costs for businesses. Legacy IT systems are widely used by businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Research firm Gartner says that many companies spend up to 80% of their IT on maintaining their aging legacy systems. Despite being the backbone of many firms' IT infrastructure for years, these systems carry hidden expenses that are generally disregarded. At Solution IT, a managed IT service provider in Perth, we have seen firsthand the impact legacy IT systems can have on businesses. In this post, we'll use research to eliminate the expenses of retaining an organization’s older IT infrastructure. What does "legacy IT" mean in...